Jackson City Council Meeting January 14th
Jackson City Council Meeting January 14th
Hello Friends of the Seed Cellar!
We are very excited to begin speaking at Jackson’s City Council meetings! We appreciate everyone who planned on joining us during the January 14th meeting to speak for the first time of the 2025 year, however, we are going to have to postpone speaking at tomorrow’s meeting. This decision was not made lightly as we are determined to help bring decriminalization to Jackson County.
This morning a severe winter weather advisory was issued beginning 7pm tonight through 7pm tomorrow. Above all, we do not want anyone to risk driving in these forecasted conditions. In addition, we’ve been informed that tomorrow’s meeting agenda is LONG, and may be started with a 15 minute closed door session by the council. This would likely result in a very late evening for our advocates and the council members.
We appreciate your support and interest in helping Decrim Jackson! At this time, keep an eye out for more info being sent out about the next City Council meeting. And please, share this message with anyone you know who may have planned on coming.
Thank you again!
The Seed Cellar Team.
Stay updated on our Decrim Jackson journey at our Community Meetings every month. Also, all meetings are free to the public as we open the discussion in a safe and positive environment! At this time, our posted community meetings can be found on our homepage with our Events at the Seed Cellar.