Decriminalize Entheogens in Jackson
Decriminalize Entheogens in Jackson
Here at the Jackson Chapter of the Michigan Psychedelic Society we are working to Decriminalize Entheogens in Jackson County. We believe that Entheogens should be decriminalized because they are safe and effective tools that can be used to treat major illnesses, substance abuse, and can overall improve the quality of life for those who use them.
We have approached the city council of Jackson and asked that they review the resolution materials we provided them. And that they put the resolution on the agenda. The resolution is asking for the Decriminalization of Entheogens, meaning individuals will not be prosecuted for personal use. We are not asking for legalization. If you would like a copy of the resolution please email alina@seedcellar.com. If they do not add it to the agenda we will attend each meeting until they do.
Where: 2nd Floor City Council Chambers of Jackson City Hall, 161 W. Michigan Ave. Jackson, MI 49201
When: Tuesday 2/11 at 6:15pm
Dates for future meetings:
- February 25th
- March 11th
- April 15th
- April 29th
We have made Decriminalize Entheogens Jackson Buttons to wear to the city council meeting. And, these buttons will help us to stand out and show just how many people support this resolution. Pick up your button at the Seed Cellar anytime during regular business hours.
M-F 10:00am-6:00pm
Sat 10:00am- 4:00pm
If you do not wish to speak, We would still need your help and we encourage you to come, stand with us, and wear your button.
First step to speaking at a city council meeting (Decriminalize Entheogens in Jackson county)
Upon arrival at city hall, you will fill out a slip indicating your intention to talk that must be submitted at the start of the meeting.
Your name will be called in the order the slips were submitted, and you will have three minutes to make your statement. You have to start your speech stating your first and last name and address. You don’t have to use all three minutes and there is a timer visible while you talk so you know how much time you have left.
What should I say?
We are all making one collective argument for decriminalization, but we all have slightly different reasons for wanting that to happen. You can share your story, share research that might be compelling to a council member or others listening, or help read statements from people who are unable to speak at the meetings.
What shouldn’t I say?
We are not asking for legalization, just decriminalization.
Avoid long personal anecdotes that are unrelated to any of the talking points or give the impression that entheogens could be harmful or dangerous.
Avoid giving extremely specific details or providing information that could be incriminating for yourself and others.
Do not talk about when or where you had your experience.
Things to consider to help you write your statement:
Why did you/do you personally (or someone you love) use psychedelics or become interested in them?
Why do you believe Jackson County should decriminalize entheogens?
Compare your reasons to the list of talking points. Mention specific examples of research and studies that help prove your point.
- Americans should have the freedom to access Entheogens without fear of arrest, prosecution, or loss of other liberties.
- Would allow for more legitimate individuals to provide medicine and information (ie a doctor could be more willing to discuss entheogenic options with patients)
- Residents in Wayne and Washtenaw county are able to access these medicines.
- Entheogens can be used for personal and spiritual growth.
- Entheogens are generally safe for the user, and they are not addictive.
- Entheogens are very effective in the treatment of addiction and reducing rates of recidivism.
- Jackson has a need for better access to treatment options.
- Entheogens are extremely effective tools used to treat a myriad of mental health conditions.
- Proven effective in treating: depression, treatment resistant depression, PTSD, anxiety and ADHD.
- Growing in popularity for use with “end of life” care.
- Consumption of entheogens strengthens the human connection to nature, compelling people to take better care of their communities and the environment.
- Could transform the “prison city” image of Jackson.
- A majority of the research into psychedelics and Entheogens is positive, and the scientific community believes that there is a benefit to allowing further research.
- Residents of Jackson should have equitable access to entheogenic medicines, including the ability to grow their own plants and fungi.
- Entheogens have been decriminalized in other areas of the state and country.
- Residents of Jackson should not have to travel out of the safety of their community to access medicine
- We respect the rights of indigenous people and their knowledge of sacred medicines.
- There is a growing tourism industry to areas where native plants like Ayahuasca are used, which can threaten the sustainability of those substances for the indigenous people as well as future generations.
- We strongly advocate for safe and responsible use of all entheogens.
Links to informational studies and articles about the benefits of Entheogens
Psilocybe Mushrooms:
- Decades after psychedelic drugs were outlawed, Johns Hopkins trials are revealing their dramatic therapeutic potential.
- Psychedelic Medicine 101: Psilocybin and the magic of mushrooms
- Can Psilocybin Treat Cluster Headache? | American Migraine Foundation
- Depression Treatment with Magic Mushrooms
- https://www.nature.com/articles/news.2008.934
- ychedelics Promote Structural and Functional Neural Plasticity
- Palliative Nursing and Sacred Medicine: A Holistic Stance on Entheogens, Healing, and Spiritual Care
- Single Dose of Hallucinogenic Drug Psilocybin Relieves Anxiety & Depression in Patients with Advanced Cancer | NYU Langone News
- Mystical experiences occasioned by the hallucinogen psilocybin lead to increases in the personality domain of openness
- Psilocybin produces substantial and sustained decreases in depression and anxiety in patients with life-threatening cancer: A randomized double-blind trial
Ayahuasca (containing DMT)
- The alkaloids of Banisteriopsis caapi, the plant source of the Amazonian hallucinogen Ayahuasca, stimulate adult neurogenesis in vitro | Scientific Reports
- Banisteriopsis caapi, a unique combination of MAO inhibitory and antioxidative constituents for the activities relevant to neurodegenerative disorders and Parkinson’s disease
- Rapid antidepressant effects of the psychedelic ayahuasca in treatment-resistant depression: a randomized placebo-controlled trial
- The Therapeutic Potentials of Ayahuasca: Possible Effects against Various Diseases of Civilization
- Four Weekly Ayahuasca Sessions Lead to Increases in “Acceptance” Capacities: A Comparison Study With a Standard 8-Week Mindfulness Training Program
Iboga and Ibogaine
- Ibogaine Detoxification Transitions Opioid and Cocaine Abusers Between Dependence and Abstinence: Clinical Observations and Treatment Outcomes
- Ibogaine treatment outcomes for opioid dependence from a twelve-month follow-up observational study
- Ibogaine treatment outcomes for opioid dependence from a twelve-month follow-up observational study.
- https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21929313-900-mind-altering-drug-could-offer-life-free-of-heroin/
- 150 Years into the opioid epidemic, many are resorting to Ibogaine treatment – The Jerusalem Pos
- https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2024/03/27/ibogaine-drug-addiction-cure
Mescaline-containing cacti
- Traditional medicine applied by the Saraguro yachakkuna: a preliminary approach to the use of sacred and psychoactive plant species in the southern region of Ecuador
- Hallucinogenic-Plants-A-Golden-Guide.pdf
- San Pedro: Basic Info | Echynopsis pachanoi | Psycheplants | ICEERS
In conclusion, if you have any questions call 5178-879-2801 or email at alina@seedcdellar.com
Thank you for your support