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Thrips: Cannabis Garden Pests


Thrips: Cannabis Garden Pests

Thrips are tiny, (typically) winged, fast-moving insects that are about only 1-2 millimeters long; their bodies narrow in shape and their wings fringed. These tiny pests can be dark colored, yellow, transparent, or even a golden color. While they appear in various species, the most common ones found on cannabis plants are the Western Flower Thrips or Onion Thrips.

These pests won’t completely destroy cannabis plants, like Russet Mites or Powdery Mildew, but they will reduce the quality and quantity produced from your plant. Luckily they can be pretty easy to identify as the lack other characteristics pests may have.

Signs of Thrips

A solid sign thrips may be invading your garden are white/yellowish bite marks and black dots known as excrements. Bite marks can cause the leaves to look smooth and shiny or even “slimy” looking. These bite marks will not be uniform and typically near the edges of the leaves. Thrips also do not leave behind honeydew, unlike many other biting insects.

Easily enough, a quick shake to your plant can also uncover these pests as they hop from branch to branch. They can be primarily located at the top of the plant under leaves and stems. Spring is the beginning of the thrip season and it is best to stay vigilant and always observe your plants as the season progresses.

Prevention Tips and Tricks

  • Avoid an excess presents of nitrogen, as this attracts common pests like Thrips.
  • Strategically place adhesive traps in your garden. This is an effective method at preventing adult thrips from moving into your garden. We recommend placing the traps somewhere another animal won’t get stuck on the adhesive.
  • Examine your plants whenever possible to ensure no pests are present.
  • If indoor growing, we recommend changing clothes before entering your plant space to avoid pest travel.
  • Natural, noninvasive, Thrip predators for your area are a great option for those knowledgeable in garden care.
  • Shop with our “pest resistance” tag online or instore for an additional layer of defense.
OTHER HELPFUL RESOURCES: (they have amazing threads for cultivating cannabis)