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A Simple Autoflowering VS. Photoperiod Cannabis Seeds Beginner Guide

Types of Cannabis Seeds

How do you decide what types of cannabis seeds to grow?

Each type of cannabis plant comes with its own set of perks and challenges. Speed, maintenance levels, and growth control are all factors to consider when deciding on your garden. So, we will break down the simple, but key differences between autoflowering plants and photoperiod plants in the future.

Auto Flowering Strains

  • Short
  • Automatically Flowers
  • Lower Yields
  • May Not Require Too Much Nutrients

Autoflowering plants are categorized as a certain type of cannabis subspecies that has been bred to automatically flower once the plant has reached a certain level of maturity. These plants do not require a change in their light cycle to induce flowering and have a shorter flowering time. We recommend a simple 18 on, 6 off light cycle during their whole life. 

Particularly, what gives these types of cannabis seeds their different characteristics is the subspecies Ruderalis. As a result of crossing a photoperiod plant, with the Ruderalis, a strain that can automatically flower without triggering the light cycle is created. This incredible subspecies of cannabis plant originates from Southeast Asia through evolution in extreme conditions. Due to the Ruderalis plant originating in harsher climates, these seeds do not require hefty nutrients.  Customers can find autoflowering strains in feminized or non-feminized varieties.

Photoperiod Strains

  • Tall
  • Moderate to Extra Large Yields
  • Requires Changes In Light To Flower
  • May Require More Handling and Nutrient Care

Photoperiod strains can be described as the traditional cannabis plant. Accordingly, these plants require a trigger in their light cycle to induce flowering, and average a 4 month lifespan from initial growth to harvest. With the right space, these plants can get large and yield exponentially! Plants will tend to require more attention and care throughout their lifespan, including training and correcting nutrient deficiencies.

Another key point to this type of cannabis subspecies is the potential to clone the plant. These are cuttings from photoperiod plants that have taken root. Accordingly, clones are going to be genetically identical to the mother plant it was retrieved from.


Official Seed Cellar Germination Guide:
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