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Hemp Russet Mites: Cannabis Garden Pests

Hemp Russet Mites: Cannabis Garden Pests

Hemp Russet Mites are tiny pests that are apart of the eriophyidae mite family. Eriophyids are known to be pale bodied (yellow and pinks are common), cylindrical with a sharply tapered off rear, and exceptionally tiny. Unlike many mites, Hemp Russet Mites only have two pairs of legs near their heads, rather than four.

Hemp Russet MitesThe life cycle of these little pests can be completed as quickly as one week under favorable conditions such as high humidity and temperature. Due to their quick lifecycles, these mites can produce multiple overlapping generations every year where present. Hemp Russet Mites are particular and typically only affect cannabis and hemp plants. Being they are host specific, they are known to be one of the most harmful arthropods in the Hemp Industry. With these pests being so tiny, using a magnifying glass is exceptionally helpful when trying to diagnose a potential problem.

Signs of Hemp Russet Mites

During low mite populations, damage will be difficult to notice. With larger populations, the affected area will be exceptionally more noticeable. Hemp Russet Mites will fed on the surface of the leaves by piercing and extracting cell contents. Symptoms of these heavier populations include:

  • Bronzing (Russetting) – This can occur in stems as well if fed on
  • Reduced Leaf Size
  • Brittle Foliage
  • Upward Leaf-Edge Curling

These pests do not produce webbing, unlike many other mite variations. Large infestations will also have an abundance of cast skins (exuviae). Since these pests are so small, exuviae can appear dark and powder-like on leaves and stems. This can be helpful when narrowing down the culprit. If not treated quickly enough, they can significantly reduce the plants yields and quality.

In smaller quantities Russet Hemp Mites prefer the underside of the cannabis/hemp leaves. But, as they expand their colonies, they move to other areas of the plant such as upper sides of leaves, stems, and buds.

Prevention Tips and Tricks

  • Be mindful when cloning parent plants by carefully inspecting clippings.
  • Remove and destroy any infested plants – without a host plant, these pests will die out relatively quickly.
  • Limit movement of people and supplies within the area of cultivation.
  • Intensely researched noninvasive predators for these harmful mites. If you choose this route, please do heavy research – as importing invasive species, of any kind, to your area can be extremely harmful to the environment. This is recommended for the more experienced gardener and should not be the first step taken.
  • Horticultural oils and dips to kill mites. These pests can take a lot to get rid of them.
  • Shop with our “pest resistance” tag online or instore for an additional layer of defense.