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Tag: pests

Common Cannabis Questions

Welcome to Common Cannabis Questions

Common Cannabis Questions is a blog post for all those questions that we commonly see throughout the community. Accordingly, questions will range from light cycle recommendations, to state to state cannabis legalities and more!

What Are The Legalities of Cannabis Seeds?

Cannabis seeds are federally legal as they contain no medicinal properties in their seed form. At this time, we consider them “collectable novelties” at our store and sell them under that notion. And being that seeds are legal, everyone in any state can legally and safely order seeds from us and have them shipped or picked up at our store. We also offer the option for our customers to shop in-store on our tablets or with a real person!



Common Shop Questions:

Can People Come Inside To Shop?

Yes! We have a small lobby that is stocked full of different inventory and tablets to shop beans on. At the present time, seeds are kept in an employee only area to ensure storage safety.

What Forms Of Payment Can Be Used?

We accept multiple forms of payment based on how the order is placed. For in-store orders, we accept cash or credit/debit card. Our card machine charges an additional 3.99 % fee per transaction. Online orders can be paid for with credit/debit card or mailed in payment such as; Money Order, Cash, or Personal Check.

Can Orders Be Placed Ahead Of A Visit?

We allow orders to be placed and held for up to two weeks for pick up in our shop. Pick up orders can be placed online and prepaid as well.

Common Inventory Questions:

What Can Be Found At The Seed Cellar?

In-store we offer a wide variety of products from seeds to official Seed Cellar apparel. Some products are unable to be listed on our website due to size and shipping interferences, if you’re interested in purchasing in-store only product, please email or call us during business hours to receive a list of inventory available.

Categories of Inventory Found In-Store:
  • Cannabis Seed
    • Feminized Autoflowering
    • Feminized Photoperiod
    • Regular Photoperiod
    • Regular Autoflowering
  • Grow Equipment
  • Harvest Equipment
  • Mycology Supplies
  • Apparel
  • Handcrafted Items
  • Books

What Is the Difference Between Auto/Fem/Reg Seeds?

Feminized seeds are our most popular product as this takes the guess work out of your seed. These seeds are perfect for those with a small area or indoor room. Both Photoperiod and Autoflowering can be feminized.

Regular seeds require needing sexed when grown. Generally, many growers want to stay away from male plants are they are used to pollinate female plants and create genetics. Altogether, they don’t have many uses for the average gardener. Pulling these plants is recommended if you have no desire to breed genetics for future use.

Autoflowering seeds create a plant that does not require a light cycle change during their life. These plants automatically flower around 3-4 weeks and are traditionally smaller in size. Surprisingly, autoflowering seeds can be feminized or regular.

Photoperiod seeds are the beginning of a traditional cannabis plant that everyone knows and loves. These plants will require a light cycle change throughout their life; mirroring the solstice in the late summer months. Many growers prefer these plants for their size and ability to be grown outdoors.

We’ve touched on the differences on Auto/Fem/Reg Seeds before on a separate blog post that you can check out here.

What Can Be Found Online?

We offer cannabis seeds and apparel on our website! You can find thousands of varieties of cannabis seeds from many different breeders listed. Filters are offered to the left-hand side of the screen to better narrow down any search, as the lists can be overwhelming!

Common Filters Used:
  • High Potential
  • Indica
  • Sativa
  • Large Yield
  • Purple
  • Frosty
  • 7-8 Weeks
  • 8-9 Weeks
  • Feminized Photoperiod
  • Feminized Autoflowering

Overall, we recommend relaxing and scrolling the website during any free time to browse our inventory. But if you’re needing seed now, we understand and highly recommend the use of the filter tags! At this time, all products found on the website, should currently be in stock.

Does The Seed Cellar Sell Clones?

No, we are unable to properly keep and maintain clones at this time.

When Will Seedlings Be Available?

While we don’t stock clones, every spring and summer we supply the community an opportunity to obtain baby cannabis plants known as seedlings. We begin this process in early February to have small plants available by the end of March. Prices fluctuate accordingly every year they’re offered. Strains offered will be selected from the Life Is An Adventure collection with limited breeder strains available throughout the season.

What Kind Of Mycology Supplies Do You Have?

Yes! We offer a variety of different mycology supplies and offer a monthly class providing assistance to individuals. Majority of the supplies we offer is larger and we are unable to ship these products at this time. Liquid cultivation supplies can be shipped to all states except: Georgia, Idaho, and California.

Some Products Include:
  • Grain
    • 1lbs
    • 2.5lbs
  • Substrate
    • CVG Mix (Coco Coir, Vermiculite, and Gypsum)
    • Master’s Mix
    • Coco Coir
  • Kits
  • Optional Accessories

Class fees range for this course and we recommend signing up in advance. Current course dates are posted on the Seed Cellar Eventbrite homepage and the Seed Cellar website homepage.

Common Shipping Questions:

How Does The Seed Cellar Ship Products?

We ship our products through the United States Postal Service (USPS) in a discrete bubble mailer. Our labels will use the anagram “TSC” to indicate The Seed Cellar is shipping to your home or establishment. Overall this method ensures a safe journey for your package, and adds an additional layer of protection.

How Long Will My Package Take To Ship?

We typically estimate a 3-5 business day journey for orders placed with us. The closer you’re ordering from, usually the shorter the shipping time for your package. Occasionally, holidays will effect these time estimates as the USPS begins intercepting and delivering an influx of packages.

Will I Receive A Tracking Number?

Yes! Everyone that provides an email address to us will receive a tracking number from the USPS online service in one of two ways:

  1. If you place your order online through our website, you will receive a tracking number from us through your email linked to your account.
  2. If you place your order over the phone, you will receive a tracking number from Roger Maufort through – these labels are manually created through the USPS label generating website.

Common Grow Questions:

What Pest Is Invading My Plant?

Cannabis plants have a wide variety of pests that can affect your plants every year. With so many pests out there, we recommend closely looking at the damage to your plants and looking at our Cannabis Plant Pests and What to Know blog post. Although we don’t have every plant pest listed, we listed the most commonly present in a majority of the countries areas.

If you feel none of these pests are invading your garden, we recommend reaching out to the cannabis growing community through Facebook Groups, Reddit Forums, Discord Forums, etc.! Nothing is more rewarding than when the community comes together to help one another out.

What Light Cycle Does My Plant Require?

When growing outdoors, you won’t have to worry about changing your light cycle as mother nature does it for us! But when growing indoors, your plant may or may not require a light cycle change to properly flower.

  • Autoflowering plants will not require a light cycle change, as they prefer a 18/6 cycle their whole life. It’s not recommended to leave 24 hours of light for these plants, as all living organisms require rest to grow properly.
  • Photoperiod plants will require a light cycle change from 18/6 during the vegetation period to 12/12 during the flowering period. Outside this happens naturally at the end of the summer months. Indoors plants can stay in the vegetative state until they complete the standards to be flipped into flower.

What Is Good To Grow Outdoors?

This question always depends on where you live, as the northern states frost in the fall. Regardless, a good solid choice is a 7-9week flowering period.

All Time Popular Strains:

If you need something else, we offer a variety of flowering times for different needs and different speeds. Check out our website filter tags or give us a call during business hours!

Can Autoflowers Be Grown Outside?

Yes! While it’s controversial amongst some, they can definitely be grown outdoors. Depending the care they receive and the amount of sunlight available, an autoflowering plant can flourish outdoors. We recommend a large, breathable pot to house your plant or place them into the ground if pots are unavailable. If they are given enough space, they can grow accordingly to their estimated yield size.

Can Autoflowering Plants Be Cloned?

No, autoflowering plants may not be cloned due to the genetics. At this time only photoperiod plants can be cloned.


If you have more questions…

Please reach out in one of the following ways:

  • Email
  • Call (517) 879-2801
  • Send a submission request through our website

Thrips: Cannabis Garden Pests

Thrips: Cannabis Garden Pests

Thrips are tiny, (typically) winged, fast-moving insects that are about only 1-2 millimeters long; their bodies narrow in shape and their wings fringed. These tiny pests can be dark colored, yellow, transparent, or even a golden color. While they appear in various species, the most common ones found on cannabis plants are the Western Flower Thrips or Onion Thrips.

These pests won’t completely destroy cannabis plants, like Russet Mites or Powdery Mildew, but they will reduce the quality and quantity produced from your plant. Luckily they can be pretty easy to identify as the lack other characteristics pests may have.

Signs of Thrips

A solid sign thrips may be invading your garden are white/yellowish bite marks and black dots known as excrements. Bite marks can cause the leaves to look smooth and shiny or even “slimy” looking. These bite marks will not be uniform and typically near the edges of the leaves. Thrips also do not leave behind honeydew, unlike many other biting insects.

Easily enough, a quick shake to your plant can also uncover these pests as they hop from branch to branch. They can be primarily located at the top of the plant under leaves and stems. Spring is the beginning of the thrip season and it is best to stay vigilant and always observe your plants as the season progresses.

Prevention Tips and Tricks

  • Avoid an excess presents of nitrogen, as this attracts common pests like Thrips.
  • Strategically place adhesive traps in your garden. This is an effective method at preventing adult thrips from moving into your garden. We recommend placing the traps somewhere another animal won’t get stuck on the adhesive.
  • Examine your plants whenever possible to ensure no pests are present.
  • If indoor growing, we recommend changing clothes before entering your plant space to avoid pest travel.
  • Natural, noninvasive, Thrip predators for your area are a great option for those knowledgeable in garden care.
  • Shop with our “pest resistance” tag online or instore for an additional layer of defense.
OTHER HELPFUL RESOURCES: (they have amazing threads for cultivating cannabis)

Spider Mites: Cannabis Garden Pests

Spider Mites: Cannabis Garden Pests

Spider Mites are small, annoying pests that find their way to new areas every year. These mites have been a growing problem for cannabis growers for decades, with their range and resilience increasing every year. These problematic pests can appear and rapidly being reproducing thousands of mites, even as many as a million, in a single month. Unresolved conditions associated with these pests can quickly lead to devastating results in the garden.

Spider mites, like many mite varieties, favor stressed plants and hot, dry conditions. As more climates around the country shift warmer as the years pass, more areas are experiencing these pests when previously, they haven’t been a problem.

Spider Mite Infestation

Signs of Spider Mites

It’s typical to notice damage to plants before seeing these pests on them. Spider Mites feed on the contents of the epidermal cells of the plant. The feeding process removes chlorophyll and causes small white spots to appear on the surface of the leaf. Once real damage has been made, the leaf will not recover nor regain its green color.

Spider Mites received their name based on the webbing they form when infesting garden plants. This is an easy way to help specifically identify these mites. Visually, these mites can appear tan, green, or red and typically have two spots on their backs. These marks on their backs are another easy way to identify these mites from other variants. Spotting adult females are easier than males as they are larger and rounder.

Eggs are often laid in groups underneath leaves or within their webbing. These eggs are often round and straightforward, usually only 0.1mm in diameter. This variant of mite hatches with only six legs, eventually growing and obtaining an additional two legs in adulthood.

Prevention Tips and Tricks

  • Closely monitor your garden and treat or destroy any infested plant areas.
  • It is okay to lose a little of your garden to pests if you are growing outdoors, nature happens.
  • Experiment with safe sprays and treatments to prevent devastating damage. Spider mites are very resilient and have a high chance of adapting to treatments used.
  • If you think you’ve eradicated your problem, keep a close eye anyways. These mites are known to come back full throttle.
  • Shop with our “pest resistance” tag online or instore for an additional layer of defense.