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Dutch Passion Frisian Duck Fem 5 pk


Frisian Dew X DucksFoot

Yield XXL
Flowertime 8 weeks
Effect Hybrid
Seed family Dutch Outdoor
Other Prize Winner
Climate Indoor
Climate Outdoor

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Stealthy variety that is ideal for growing in populated areas

Very tough and easy to grow, ideal for greenhouse and outdoor growing

It grows like a Christmas tree with large flowers and a huge yield

Beautiful purple flowers with a spicy, piney, and fruity aroma
Frisian Duck has a subtle yet spicy aroma and flavor profile
Frisian Duck is a hybrid cannabis strain that is bred for its distinctive leaf shape which looks like a ducks footprint. She grows without being recognizable as cannabis for much of her life. Her compact buds have quite a subtle spicy aroma with hints of fresh forest, pine, and citrus. The aroma isn’t that pungent, helping her to maintain a low smell profile even when the big purple flowers have matured and dominated its looks.